Thursday, March 24, 2011

Almost April already!!!

We have been officially on the road for two months now! Wow. It has been amazing. I wanted to show off some pictures of our home and some shots from the apalachicola rainbow gathering! I am writing from a library in Troy, Alabama on our way to Hot Spring, Arkansas for some crystal mining which should be wonderful and something that we have always wanted to do!!! After that we will be onto a farm called Herb Home in Jasper, Arkansas! Looking forward to continuing this already amazing journey!
Sitting on our bed relaxing in the van!

Kiai's little comfy spot watching her movies!!

A shot from the bed looking out the door!

Storage space behind the front seats. We took one of the captain chairs out to make more room. Mostly for Kiai's toys! We need to do some down sizing on those asap! :)

In the van we just arrived at the Apalachicola gathering here! We spent a few nights in the van before we set up our camp way back in the woods! we were the second to last camp on the trail. (I think) the only people who walked as far as we were were the ones who were lost!

Kiai being silly in the tent!

Outside the van a dear friend of my moms sent these scarves to Kiai and I for our trip. Wonderful people like her make this world a better place!

Kiai's pageant pose! this is at our camp on a beautiful almost spring day!

Getting ready for main circle!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

We are officially a family on the road!!!

     Families On The Road (FOTR) are families who are choosing not to wait until our kids are grown to hit the road in a Recreational Vehicle (motorhome, big rig, bicycle, van, boat, etc).
We are living our dreams, exploring the highways and byways of America and beyond with our kids. The link to the web site is here FOTR. You will find us listed in the archive under Peace Warrior family or by clicking  here. Families are listed in alphabetical order.  Since we are officially on the road as of Feb 9, 2011 I thought this was very fitting!
     We spent the first two weeks of our journey in the Ocala National Forest living and gathering with our Rainbow Family. We had an amazing time with more info to come! I did not get my camera out one time but it is a goal of mine to keep it by my side for the Apalachicola national forest which we intend on arriving to within the next week.
     This Ocala gathering was a very special one for us since it was the start of our journey and a place we can truly call home and be comfortable.  There were a lot of amazing times had. Seeing wild animals. Hearing drums all night long. Dancing and feeling free in front of a blazing fire.
    We intend to set off Monday to head for north FL. We will certainly take our time getting there to explore anything we can find along the way.  One thing we learned is although we downsized a lot (one of our main goals is to live so simply with only our needs!) we could still downsize a lot more!
Looking forward to the road ahead!!!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The sun energizes us.

Always keep your mind as bright and clear as the vast sky, the great ocean, and the highest peak, empty of all thoughts. Always keep your body filled with light and heat. Fill yourself with the power of wisdom and enlightenment.
Morihei Ueshiba

Saturday, January 15, 2011

This is a great piece by one of the founders of the Rainbow Gatherings on why we gather every year to pray for world peace.

Why gather?

reprinted from All Ways Free, Winter '88
When Melville wrote in the 19th century, "Why weary the arm at the iron and the oar," he meant Why work one's life away in the industrial age factories and maritime trades?
I mean: Why should anyone trudge thru the woods, shovel in hand digging compost pits, or stand long hours in dark miserable weather, flashlight in hand directing cars toward parking places, or lug food in boxes and heavy sacks over mountainous terrain, or scrub large pots? I mean Why would anyone want to do this? And for no monetary profit?
I mean Why should anyone want to go thru the 1001 tasks that are the life support system of the Rainbow Gatherings? Hauling large rocks for bakery ovens, digging & filling latrines, tending medical emergencies, installing water pipe systems that need to be taken apart just three weeks later, sorting garbage, not to mention doing all this wit the added difficulty of our own problems: upset or belligerent people, alcoholics in rainbow clothing, rude or unhygienic behavior; and sometimes i with only minimal he or even opposition from the public service of the government.
Why should anyone want to put themselves thru all of this just to enjoy nature or to party in the wild wild woods? Surely each of us can seclude ourselves in the wondrous beauty of nature, alone or with our friends or beloveds, with a great deal less difficulty than going thru all this effort, all this oomph, all of this, just to gather.
Why do it? Why face all the problems, all the maps & mailings, all the fundraising for printing; all the long winded discussions over procedures; why consume all this time of our lives? For what? Why gather?
And on top of this, to face the disapproval of relatives and peers, who see us pouring whatever economic gain we make during the rest of the year down some rainbow-colored drain, traveling long distances, dealing with vehicle problems, supporting a donation cause that feeds and cares for a multitude; and to what end? to what purpose for a great big party in the woods ? So some people can go naked and skinny dip? Al of us can find the quietude, peace and power of Nature's great temple on our own wit out all this fuss; and probably with a great deal more true tranquillity ­ without the additional obnoxious attitudes of those who come along with commercial interference, intent on selling us some supposedly groovy items.
We are utterly capable of seeking and finding the pure pure natural experience without subjecting ourselves to all this trouble. so why do we put this on our shoulder and go on? Why do we do it? I mean: Why gather?
    Because we love each other. We really do. Because we are creating something new and beautiful. Don't believe there's nothing new under the sun. This is as new ­ even 16 sweet years into it ­ as anything can be in the long­term development of human culture. Because we fold the vision of a peaceful world in our inner eyes ­ in our hearts and we make it real in this outside world. Because it is a thrill to experience a cooperative society. Because it is our great pleasure to live ­ even briefly ­ together in a state of expanded freedom. Because only when we take personal responsibility for the needs of each other ­ water, food, security, fuel, healing, child care and recycling ­ do we take mature responsibility for our lives. Because the children need something gentle and loving to look forward to. Because it is important to teach and learn as much as possible about human cooperation. Because we dream of gathering everywhere with people of all lands and traditions. As Paul Revere and Longfellow said, "in every middlesex village and town." Because we are fed up with war economy & economic exploitation & political over fording, and we want to try something else. Because under all the party­style wrapping paper, the gathering presents a very serious example of functional culture. . Because gathering teaches thousands of people, even tens of thousands, respect for the earth, the water, the plants & the animals. Because even the addicts, the dissolute, the spaced­out space cadets, the drunks who come are in need of love, and every society must care for its own. Because laughter, music, celebration and rejoicing in life are needed in this world in great measure Because in our celebrations we make a hosanna of great joy. Because when we work together voluntarily we illuminate the way out from under the burden of the governments & the banks. Because gathering unifies ancient tribal wisdom with current ideas and technologies. Because people + nature eco­harmony = beauty Because when WC gather we bring to life a society without human prejudice. Because gathering inter nets people from all over the world who are actively participating in the conscious evolution of our species. Because when we gather we touch each other in a spiritual place where we are all part of one great bug human family. Because we want to inspire hope that it is indeed possible ­ and in fact plea .durable for people of all kinds to live in peace. Because the world needs to see a positive example and if we don't do it, who else will? Because outside of the money system we encounter the most generous human natures. Because light and life and love deserve to be celebrated by lots of us. Because when we hold hands in our circles we can feel the energy that moves the atoms and the moon and stars. Because our councils are open to everyone to speak, we hear ideas, poems, stories and wisdom from the seven corners of the earth. Because the work and play shops are educational the massage delightful, and the music rich with interlaced harmonies. Because our example supports the right of people everywhere to be free to assemble peaceably. Because in the simple relationships of cooperation and volunteerism are found the keys to the future. Because in doing the simple tasks, the underlying gears and levers that make society go are revealed Because when we work together in harmony our divine roots are revealed. Because it just great to see something large scale that doesn't belong to the giant corporations. Because gathering teaches us to have faith, to trust each other, to believe in good and goodness, and to have the strength ­ in the face of the rest of the world ­ to carry on.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

To help us in our journey by making a donation please click the donate button below. In exchange for any donation of 5.00 or more we will send a gift that is significant to our journey if you provide an address. Also any donation including an address will be on our hand made postcard list! Loven you!

Preparing for the road!!!!

We are in our last stages of gathering our belongings and packing the van. We will be heading towards the Ocala National Forest the first week of February.  We will be heading to the Ocala Regional Rainbow gathering. More info can be found at Florida Rainbow gathering 2011
 So what we are doing now is continuing researching, planning, making lists, getting rid of so many things we will not need, kissing our loved ones, and waving goodbye to our home town. Since we will be traveling of coarse with our two year old we are in full gear potty training!!! It is going so well and makes us that more exited and ready for this journey!
    Our unofficial plan is as follows. We want to go to the regional gathering in Ocala which will last through the month of February. From there head to the regional gathering in Apalachacola gathering which is north FL!  More info for the gathering can be found at  This gathering will last through the month of March. After cleanup we will be heading to Arkansas. We are super excited about this since it is a state none of us have actually ever been to!!! Always looking for new experiences and new places! A farm awaits us where we will work exchange and gain a word of knowledge, become part of a community, eat healthy food, and let our inner peace grow like a wild flower!!!  We want to be in Colorodo by the first week of JUNE! A band we really enjoy will be playing at the Red Rocks Ampitheater! From there we plan to head to Washington. The National Rainbow gathering is the first week of July! We hope to find a farm we can spend time in before Nationals. After nationals we really, really want to get to Burning Man! If funds permit we will be there! Followed by Power to the Peaceful in Sept in San Fran! That is about as far as we have planned with a lot of things in between and new journeys along the way!
  I will be writing as we go so please follow us and send your love our way!
Loven you!

Families on the Road